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Meet this year's Dream Team

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Meira Roome
Operations Officer

Empowered Wife, loving mother, activist, she helps the organizational vision and operational strategy to promote the company's long and short term objectives. She is passionate about promoting the company's Geula vision, spreading Ahavat Yisrael and deepening the connection between women from all backgrounds. 

Aviva Spiegel
CEO - Tambourine Dream

Producer of this festival and many other events and celebrations for women. She developed and coaches women and girls in the "Makom B'Maagal" method, which facilitates harmonious and joyful creative expression circles using movement, rhythm, and voice. Aviva is passionate about connecting women together so that we can help each other to move deeper into connection with ourselves, each other, and haKadosh Baruch Hu.​

meet the
Performing Artists and DJ's

meet the Workshop Presenters

Michal Oshman

Michal Oshman

Artist/ Coach

Michal is an avoda coach and the creator of Tiferet Inner Work, Making Your Life A Masterpiece One Day At A Time. Michal teaches Jewish women how to build a lifestyle of habits and behaviors in sync with their deeper purpose. Michal’s unique approach with her coaching clients combines process-oriented transformation and experiential education together with Torah and psychology.

Chana Vered Coren

Chana Vered Coren

Torah Educator/ Spiritual Guide

ChanaVered is a @jewess_on_a_journey. A passionate Torah educator, wife and mother. Weaving her love for ancient Jewish wisdom with meditation, mental health and energy healing, she offers practical, relevant and inspiring tools for thriving in today's rapidly changing world. She is the creator of and

Sheva Chaya Shaiman

Sheva Chaya Shaiman


Originally from Denver, Sheva Chaya made Aliyah in 1999. After receiving her degree in Visual arts with a focus on painting from Princeton University in 1997, Sheva Chaya began to explore Israel, and made Aliyah to Tzfat in 2005. That same year she began to learn glassblowing which has become her passion. Ever since, the land, the people, and the rich tradition of spiritual teachings infused a greater depth in her work which she shares from her gallery in Tzfat and worldwide.

Chana Hinda Frazin

Chana Hinda Frazin


Chana Frazin lives in the Golan Heights with her fabulous family, where she enjoys walking in nature, swimming in rivers & dancing with friends. Chana is a certified Aromatherapist and Essential Emotions Coach, and the founder of The Oil For Me. Chana loves teaching women how to use essential oils in their own homes for long-term natural healing. Her deep passion is using the oils for emotional well-being and self-regulation. Chana makes natural creams and remedies for everything from diaper cream to menopause treatments & everything in-between. Chana teaches workshops around Israel and online.

Yocheved Godsi

Yocheved Godsi

Therapist/ Healer

Yocheved is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Spiritual Energy Healer & Yoga Instructor with over 15 years of experience in transformational healing work that opens women to the magic & freedom of their divine authentic selves. Her powerful experiential workshops align you with your highest divine potential. Using

Orah Moshe

Orah Moshe

Doctor/ Instructor/ Conservationist

Dr. Orah Moshe graduated from Tufts University with a triple major in Biology, Environmental Science and English. She made aliyah 10 years ago and now lives in Pardes Chana, Israel. Today, she works as a researcher for the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Soil
Conservation, at the Soil Erosion Research Station. She has also been a Yoga Instructor for 20 years and has been an active participant and avid supporter of the amazing Tambourine Dream Festival since its inception.

Aviva Gottlieb

Aviva Gottlieb

African Dance Teacher

Aviva made aliyah from Brooklyn, NY 4 years ago to Ramat Beit Shemesh with her husband and five children. Although she is as Ashkenazi as a roll of frozen gefilte fish, she has a passion for all types of African dance with over 15 years of African dance experience in styles and rhythms from West Africa, Haiti, and Brazil.

Malka Sima Pais

Malka Sima Pais

Coach/ Healer/ Dancer

Malka Sima Pais is a certified
SomaSoul Therapist, Registered Somatic and Movement Therapist and Educator, Shake Your Soul Dance Facilitator, and founding member of Moonlit Path (an international community of spiritual women.)

She is passionate about integrating Kabbalah and Somatic Psychotherapy and deeply committed to guiding women towards healing, transformation, and joy. Her spiritual practice under the mentorship of Sarah Yehudit Schneider, as well as struggles and healing from childhood trauma and chronic illness, inspire her work.

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum

Author / Healer

A native of Denmark, she is the Founder and Director of Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin Holistic Torah for Women on the Land, and an award-winning author. The Rebbetzin practices EmunaHealing as a gifted spiritual healer through Emunah, tefilah and energy work. For more than three decades, she has practiced spiritual counseling to women of all ages in Israel and the United States. She creates curricula emphasizing women's spiritual empowerment through traditional Torah values. She is highly published for numerous books including: Women at the Crossroads: A Woman’s Perspective on the Weekly Torah Portion and
Ruth: Gleaning the Fallen Sparks; The Seven Fruits of the Land of Israel.

ליצירת קשר

Gdud Barak St 18, Tiberias, Israel

Be'er Miriam Beach


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